On Saturday 03 May 2003 15:28, Sergio Masci scribbled: > Stop thinking windows and think Linux!!! :-) > Use a serial or parallel cable to connect your notebook to your other > machine (use slip, ppp or plip). Then use NFS to remotely mount drives = over > your serial or parallel link. If this is too much grief, use ftp to cop= y > stuff from your other machine into the RAM disc of your notebook. Yes and no -- the other machines are far off. But I'm working on the wla= n=20 drivers to get my wireless NIC working on the single-floppy distrib. If = I=20 pull this off, then I can leave the floppy in permanently, boot up and th= en=20 let it mount the remote drives, etc, etc. > Also > consider possibility of buying CF for use as hard drive. You wont need = a > special tray with that but you may need to hack together a connector if= you > don't already have a PCMCIA slot on your notebook. Was thinking the same, since I'm eventually planning on splitting the car= mp3=20 setup into CF for the OS and HD for the data mp3's. So I could've used t= he=20 same CF adapter and card later. I thought of using the same CF-to-IDE=20 adapter as well, but that means finding the HD tray, since the Dell's use= an=20 adapter in the tray to conform to their proprietary setup. But I'm resisting *any* purchase right now since every dollar counts, unt= il=20 I'm employed again. So ingenuity/creativity takes priority over expendit= ure. =20 I have a bunch of pics and some old proms .... perhaps I can create some=20 bootable storage device with those? :-) Cheers, -Neil. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics