I just got my hands on an PIC18F252 to fiddle around with, and I want to clock it at 40mhz. On the PIC16's I am used to just throwing a 20mhz ceramic resonator w/caps on there, and being done with it....1 component...nice and simple. I couldn't find a 40mhz resonator to make this as simple an operation. So, what do most people do for a 40mhz, reliable, simple clock for these? The data sheet seems to suggest using a HS/PLL circuit to 4xstep-up a 10mhz crystal. This seems like overkill, and alot of additional circuitry...although would be nice without lots of EMI to mess things up. I have a couple of 20mhz crystals laying around I could double....but, keeping it simpler is sounding good to me. I really don't need the whole selectable clocking feature that using the PLL really buys. I am still quite the PIC newbie....so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, - Ted -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body