On Friday 25 April 2003 15:20, Byron A Jeff wrote: > Because jumpers aren't the issue. Trying to fabricate a double sided bo= ard > is. The task is going to be complicated enough without having to try to= get > two perfectly lined up sizes. Once I get comfortable with the PCB makin= g > process then I'll try to tackle double sided boards. Sure, if you can make a board single-sided, go ahead. But I've found it=20 almost impossible to layout any circuit I do with just one layer. But I = say=20 go ahead and experiment with making a few double-sided via connections on= the=20 board. You can route with top layer set to N/A as far as it will go, the= n=20 either manually route the vias on the top layer, or turn the top layer ba= ck=20 on and let it continue. However, use really large vias just in case. Fe= el=20 free to use a 1/4" via if you feel comfortable, and just drill a .025 or=20 whatever hole to fit the connection wire. Of all the ways I've tried to line up both sides, the best and most relia= ble=20 I've found is to add a few holes (approx 1/8") at the corners of the boar= d,=20 make 3 transparencies (I actually use clear inkjet window decals since=20 they're self-stick) -- one for the top, and 2 for the bottom. Put the bo= ttom=20 one in place first and drill those corner holes. Discard that transparen= cy. =20 Now use the other two and align with the holes you drilled. You can look= up=20 at it thru a line and you'll see the hole-center marks over each other. =20 Adjust until they're perfectly aligned. Then expose the board, etch, etc= and=20 then drill the component holes. I've tried the fold-into-an envelope met= hod=20 of aligning the layers, also tried making a pocket out of an L-shaped pie= ce=20 of scrap PCB with the transparencies pre-stuck and pre-aligned on, but no= ne=20 gave me as easy and repeatable results as the drill-the-corner-holes meth= od. Cheers, -Neil. -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body