On Friday 25 April 2003 14:23, Byron A Jeff wrote: > I realize that this is a Pandora's box topic. But I've finally reached = the > realization that I'm going to have to come up with something sturdier t= han > wire wrap.=20 There's a term I haven't heard in a long time. :-) > .... > QUESTIONS > --------------------------------------------------- > > Now on to the questions. > > 1) > I'm looking for one small eagle tip. How in the heck do you create a > power bus? I've used a few of the numerous tutorials > out there to layout my first board (a 16F628, 3 resistors, and an > LED). But I'm clueless as to how to create a physical representation > of the power supply buses. Just draw a thick line? > > 2) More Eagle. Is there any way to force the autorouter to generate a > single sided board only? Even after forcing the cost of the top side to= 99, > sometimes it will still generate a top side trace or two. In the autorouting options, select "N/A" for preferred direction for the = top=20 layer. > 3) Any standards as to line thickness and pad size for novice boardmake= rs. Check expresspcb.com -- this have a tips section that gives ballpark tra= ce=20 widths based on current carrying capacity. For outsourced boards, I choose pad ODs by selecting the ID based on the=20 component-lead diameter, then let it auto-select the OD. If space permit= s,=20 I'll manually raise that a bit. For boards I do myself, I raise that qui= te a=20 bit in case my holes are drilled perfectly center, and since drilling my = eat=20 up a small pad. > > 4) Final Eagle. Has anyone tried any tricks for creating larger boards = by > segmenting and cut/pasting the smaller boards into a larger board? Once. Added a 2 header components to a board (single row each) and used = it=20 almost like a connector from one half of the circuit to the other half in= the=20 schematic view. Laid out one half with the header on the extreme RHS, an= d=20 the other half on its own with the header on the extreme left. Manually=20 adjusted the traces so that the corresponding lines were on the same laye= r=20 and aligned with each other properly, then deleted the headers. Then mer= ged=20 the transparencies together. Busy work, but did the trick. I use Eagle=20 enough to cough up the bucks now I think. :-( > > 5) Specifically for Olin. Your PIC library is great. Would you object i= f I > posted a copy of it (with proper attribution of course) on my PIC pa= ge? > > Thanks, > > BAJ -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body