> Spammers sue antispammers > > http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/30368.html > > Peter I notice the reference to Nigerians at the bottom of that article. The most persistent of the small amount of spam I get is from Nigerians. Usually "URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL" or "BUSINESS PROPOSAL" along the lines of ============================= FROM: PHILIP RADEBE Dear Sir, REQUEST FOR A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP. This letter may come to you as a surprise but it was out of my sincere desire to share a mutual business relationship with you. I got to know of you through an international directory forwarded to me by the family of late President Kabila of The Democratic Republic of Congo, in which your blah blah blah sob story boo hoo ============================== It's so predictable it's filterable to the bin After many many months of one or three a week, you'd think they'd give up on my address by now, like every other spammer does when there's no reply. But they haven't. I think they must be a little bit thick. Actually I think they're a lot thick, and you'd have to wonder what sort of bandwidth they chew up with this pointless mailing -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body