There are all types of authentication that can be done to verify email. = Almost all of the suggestions I've seen involve a major rewrite of code = for servers. The bigger question is what do you want to do with privacy? = Registering at any level means you are now immediately identifiable. = I've seen a lot of talk about rewriting tcp/ip even to prevent spoofing = ip's and the like. I personally come down on the side of making it major = illegal to forge an email header. Then going after the people who break = that law. I have also seen a new twist where one ISP puts a sentence in = all their email messages. That sentence is a copyrighted work and if a = spammer uses them as a portal then all the email messages go out with = this copyrighted work and the ISP uses the copyright laws to go after = them. Too soon to see if that one will work. Spam is an interesting = balance between our rights, their rights, and privacy rights. But one = thing is certain unless something is done about spam the internet will = collapse from the torrent of email or people will just find an easier = way to do business. The next big hot button of course is pop-ups and = cookies. What right does someone have to place a cookie on your machine = to track your activity? Or carrying that further, what right does = Microsoft have to inventory all your software and report it back to them = when you do an update. (By the way RedHat is starting down that path = too.) If you run Win2K and have SP3 they now have that ability = (although they say they don't use it - yet). Our ability to maintain = control of our legally purchased software/hardware and to maintain some = semblance of privacy is under serious attack. I'm not a doom sayer but I = see in the next few years major battles over this. We are seeing the = first wave of this with MP3's and the RIAA. And the Fed's are weighing = in with the next generation Carnivore program that will see everything = going through an ISP.=20 -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads