David Minkler wrote: > Actually, the extra copy which was sent him in the mail IS his. If he > didn't order it, the law sees it as a gift. The alternative would > enable every publishing company to send you hundreds of copies of > whatever nonsense they are printing this week and demand that you > either send them back (your time, trouble and postage expense) or pay > for them (your expense) impoverishing all of us in the process. "Now > Wagner, I'm sure we can get all of this to stop if you'll just > subscribe to three or four of our rags er um publications". > > FWIW, I didn't want the three hundred dollars worth of connectors > DigiKey sent me by mistake. While they are a little pricey, I can > get a substantial portion of what I need from them so I'd like to see > them stay in business. One quick (toll free) call to them and they > had the carrier come by and pick them up with no further > inconvenience to me. > > Dave Nah, whatever you don't want in the mail, just return to the sender, it works. I am doing it with trash mail. Postman probably is looking strange at me, but more than that, someone at the sender's address is getting much more busy. I started to "return to sender" any mail I am not expecting or not desire, I think it is my right. Knowing the US mail system, I am pretty sure the Mailman is not trashing it, the trash mail is being returned for sure. You can say my act is flooding post office service... well, probably yes. I receive probably one pound of trash mail daily, (along with more than 150 trash EMAIL), probably someday the postmaster could start to talk to those companies to stop to send trash mail, because it needs to transported twice, or, it could generate more mailman jobs. Escaping the subject, Florida law is strange, the HSMV can "sell" information about your driver's records, yes, so, more trash mail. I just checked my driver's license number under https://www2.hsmv.state.fl.us/servlets/DLRecord and guess what I found? =========== As of Apr 19, 2003, at 08:06 PM, driver license number XXXXXXXXXXXXX is VALID. Expiration date is Xxx xx, xxxxx. You may purchase a driver history via mail or electronically. Your Social Security Number has been verified. Thank You. =========== (I just blurred with "XX" some text to protect the inocent... yah, me.) So, I may **PURCHASE** a driver history... In Florida, the government "can sell" information about you. To avoid this, you should go to the above website and "request blocking" of your personal data... can you believe on it? Isn't that should be reversed? You should "give permission" to your data being sold? Wagner. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.