Is the WDT enabled?? Glenn Davidson wrote: > > Hello, > I am working on a Digital Calendar based around a PIC16F877 > operating at 20MHz, for part of my degree project. My deadline is > only a few weeks away, and I have been coming up against what seems > to be an infinite loop for the past few weeks. > I have written smaller test programs to try and ascertain the cause > of the problem, but so far with no luck. > Yet if I step through the code using MPLAB 5.11's simulator, it > appears to return from the particular sub-routine correctly. > The point in the code where it appears to simply stop is in the RTC_DELAY > sub-routine. > RTC_DELAY > MOVLW D'254' > MOVWF DELAY_COUNT ;set counter value > RTC_DELAY_LOOP > DECFSZ DELAY_COUNT,F ;dec delay_count, is zero? if yes, skip next > GOTO RTC_DELAY_LOOP ;no, else loop > RETURN ;yes, return > > It's a very simple routine, and I can't see how it is failing, > though I am currently worried about completing on time, at all. > > I am using an ICEBreaker In-Circuit Emulator from Magenta > Electronics (with the ICEBreaker programming and monitoring > software), with a PIC16F877, interfacing with a DS1302 Real-Time > Clock. Using MPLAB 5.11 for development/simulation/assembling. > I can include the test programs and full program source if > necessary. > Any help would be greatly appreciated. For this part, I am simply > trying to write-to and read-from the Real-Time Clock chip. > -- > All the best, > Glenn Davidson > > -- > Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! > email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body