Just a few questions regarding ICE PIC Emulator as their manual is really poor as far as it goes hooking this thing up . . . 1. Do I need to provide the Vcc voltage to the pins of the emulator plug-in, or just the ground??? Also, anything special I need to know about this? 2. I am emulating a PIC16C66 which allows the use of a second oscillator to control internal TIMER1 through pins RC0 and RC1. Can I connect an external oscillator to these pins for this function with this particular emulator. The microchip emulator allows this, and I assume it uses the same bond-out chips. Also, if this is possible, could I get away with installing the oscillator on the target board itself. At 32.768kHz, I don't think the long lead lengths of the ribbon cable should effect this signal as much as if it was 4MHz etc... Any help appreciated. The ICE PIC manual is horrendous as far as hardware hook-up is concerned. Thanks much! -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu