source=3D =\2003\04\03\170251a Olin, thanks for your reply. I gather that although I did not follow = the documented procedure for installation ( as the the zip file = expansion ) the installation I got was valid. I still have some = questions that are not really related to installation. To help clarify = the the situation I thought that I world make my questions more direct = and less embedded in a narrative, and I have reinstalled on a win nt = box. Not a question: As you stated the installation on nt ran in a straightforward way. The = directory ..\source\pics was created for me. Three Questions: What is the purpose of the following directories: 1) \embedinc\source\pic My guess it is files automatically used by projects for defining things = like standard macros and defining different pic chips. Also the qqq = files look like a skeleton for a project that might be called qqq. Is = this correct? 2)\embedinc\src\pic I seems that most directories under src are generated from corresponding = \source files but this is shipped in install_picdev.exe. It is not = rebuilt when I run build_hos_expic.bat. Running 3)When I run build_hos_expic.bat I get a lot of error messages ( this is = on NT not 98 ) These are all pretty much all of the form: ................ hos_init.aspic *** System error 2 (h00000002). The system cannot find the file specified. *** Program aborted on error. *** hos_intr.aspic *** System error 2 (h00000002). The system cannot find the file specified. *** Program aborted on error. *** hos_main.aspic ................... =20 Dose this indicated that the build did not work, I do get a lot of = output files but do not know what to look for to determine if the = process went ok or ng. I do not intend to be a bother, I think I have looked at all the docs on = your site, I have looked at the text files in \doc, and I have also = searched the piclist for embedinc and think I have found and read all = the material there. Any help would be appreciated. Russ --- Russ Hensel PIC/PICList FAQ: -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads