Kit 128 is now out. All Flash-PIC programmer, no external power supply. USB port only. See Introductory documentation at Tony Nixon has worked hard for 3 months to get his new User Interface working. And this latest release works on both kits 149 and the new Kit 128. Hardware uses the FT232BM with one 6.0MHz crystal. It has a no-keypress programming mode. The 40 pin wideslot ZIF socket is supplied with the kit. All the SM components are pre-soldered on the 2 5/8" x 1 1/2" PCB. Only 8 thru-hole components to add. It will be out to Importers tomorrow. regards, Peter Crowcroft DIY Electronics (HK) Ltd PO Box 88458, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong Factory: voice 852-2304 2250 Fax: 852-2729 1400 M/F, 97 Fuk Wa Street, Sham Shui Po Home: voice 852-2720 0255 Mobile: 6273 2049 Web: Email: ON HOLIDAY IN BRAZIL APRIL 5 - MAY 1 PLEASE EXPECT SLOWER RESPONSES TO EMAILS --------------------------------------------------------------- -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See