Plugging a board into a live backplane, running 48V, where the board will have a 3.3V always on DC/DC, and a main 12V DC/DC module. Using a hotswap controller like the Supertex HV100 solves most the problems, in that I will tie it to the 3.3V that has a on its rails a PIC, which then actually turns on the 12V DC/DC unit. So...being that there is really no load other than the front end filter caps for the 12V DC/DC module, and it won't be turned on until the PIC is up and running, does it make sense to have a hotswap controller there as well? I was thinking more along the lines of using a FET and the PWM output to ramp this 48V supply to avoid a large inrush from the caps. I'd enable the 12V module and then ramp the gate voltage to soft start the main supply. comments? _________________________________________________________________ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. -- hint: To leave the PICList