John, The picture quality is very pour to recognize any thing Can you take more pictures again. I even opened it in photoshop And tried lots of filtration didn't work. Get: 1. close image (clean) 2. from far image 3. location numbers like U29 etc 4. any manufacture symbol on it 5. pin labels 6. where is it attached to heat sink etc I also have question for you I have a box There is some thing there what is it? Just kidding what else can it be pic micro only Andre Abelian -----Original Message----- Hoping someone knows what these parts may be. They are on a circuit board that I bought surplus for the Absolute Pressure sensor (MPX4115), so they may be weather related. I am hoping that they are a humidity and temperature sensor. The board says "Orville-J" on it. Thanks John -- hint: To leave the PICList -- hint: To leave the PICList