I have the folowing code in C and i dont have any program to compile it! Please, if anyone can compile for me... #INCLUDE <16F84.H> #FUSES XT, WDT, PROTECT, NOPUT // CCS Compiles PUT wrong - this means PUT #ID 0x0000 #USE DELAY(CLOCK=4000000, RESTART_WDT) #USE FAST_IO(A) #USE FAST_IO(B) #ZERO_RAM #BIT mlan = 0x05.0 #BIT LEDG = 0x05.1 #BIT LEDR = 0x05.2 #BIT pulse = 0x05.3 // Low is 1 Sec, High is 10 secs #BIT config = 0x05.4 #BYTE id_out = 0x06 #DEFINE MLAN_IN 0b11111001 #DEFINE MLAN_OUT 0b11111000 #DEFINE STORED_IDS_ADDR 0x3F // Map out the IDs stored in the EEPROM byte CONST ee_table[7] = {0,6,12,18,24,30,36}; // Globals int id_in[6]; // Subroutines // Flash RED // This routine flashes the RED LED for secs/4 seconds void flash_red(int secs) { int i; LEDG = 0; delay_cycles(1); LEDR = 1; for (i = 0; i < secs; i++) { delay_ms(250); LEDR = !LEDR; } } // Gen CRC // This routine takes the old CRC value and a new byte and returns a new CRC value int gen_crc(int crc_in, int newdata) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { shift_right(&crc_in, 1, (bit_test(crc_in, 0) ^ shift_right(&newdata, 1, 0))); // Check for the extra XOR if (bit_test(crc_in, 7)) { // We need an extra XOR crc_in ^= 0x0C; } } return crc_in; } // READ Byte // This routine reads in a byte from a microLAN device after a READ command has been sent int read_byte() { int byte_in, i, bit_cnt; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Clear bit counter bit_cnt = 0; // Pulse microLAN low to clock bit set_tris_a(MLAN_OUT); mlan = 0; delay_us(3); set_tris_a(MLAN_IN); delay_us(3); // Allow some pullup recovery time // We now have ~7us left to sample a few times if (!mlan) { bit_cnt++; } if (!mlan) { bit_cnt++; } if (!mlan) { bit_cnt++; } // Lets shoot for 2 out of 3! Use a quickie bit test for efficiency shift_right(&byte_in, 1, !bit_test(bit_cnt, 1)); // Lets allow for the microLan device to release (45us MAX) and LAN to recover (15) delay_us(45); } return byte_in; } // READ iButton // This routine is called to read an iButtons' unique serial ID. The following steps are taken: // 1. Issue Read ROM command on MicroLAN (0x33) // 2. Read in 8 byte ID // 3. Check family code and CRC // 4. Store 6 byte serial in id_in if valid and return TRUE OR // Return false for Bad CRC or family code boolean read_ibutton() { int i, tmp, family, crc_in; // Lets write out the Read ROM command tmp = 0x33; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Bring micro LAN low for 7us set_tris_a(MLAN_OUT); mlan = 0; delay_us(7); // Output the bit if (shift_right(&tmp, 1, 0)) { // Output a 1 via the pullup set_tris_a(MLAN_IN); } else { set_tris_a(MLAN_OUT); mlan = 0; } delay_us(50); // Allow iButton to read the data and complete slot // Now we go to tristate set_tris_a(MLAN_IN); // No need for 1us delay since loop takes care of it } // Now the iButton will start dumping data back to us synced to our pulses family = read_byte(); // If the family code is bad - quit if (family != 0x01) { return FALSE; } crc_in = gen_crc(0x00, family); for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // id_in[i] = read_byte(); // crc_in = gen_crc(crc_in, id_in[i]); // The code below is more compact (15us vs 20us) tmp = read_byte(); id_in[i] = tmp; crc_in = gen_crc(crc_in, tmp); } if (crc_in == read_byte()) { // The CRC is okay! return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // Check LAN // This routine issues an INIT pulse on the micro LAN (480 - 960 us) and looks for a presence // pulse from an ibutton. If it sees one, it returns true indicating an active device is on the LAN boolean check_lan() { int i, low_hit; low_hit = 0; // Bring MLAN low for at least 480us - we'll use 520 us set_tris_a(MLAN_OUT); mlan = 0; delay_us(520); // Put bus back in tristate set_tris_a(MLAN_IN); // Lets see if a pulse comes back in the proper window // The pulse will start 15-60 us after going high // The pulse will be 60us - 240us // The presence pulse period must be a minimum of 480us // So lets check for a low every 10us and if we get 4 (since pulse has to be 60us min), take it for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) { if (!mlan) { low_hit++; } // Catch a presence pulse delay_us(2); // For loop takes 9us @ 4MHz } if (low_hit > 3) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // Check ID // This routine takes the passed ID in id_in and compares it to those IDs in EEPROM // If it finds a match, it returns the ID number, otherwise it returns 0x00 int check_id(int num_ids) { int ee_addr, button_idx, cnt; boolean match; button_idx = 0; while(++button_idx <= num_ids) { // Check all stored button IDs cnt = 0; restart_wdt(); ee_addr = ee_table[button_idx-1]; match = TRUE; while (cnt != 6) { if (read_eeprom(ee_addr) != id_in[cnt]) { match = FALSE; // Doesn't match - check next button break; } ee_addr++; cnt++; } if (match) { // We matched everything! return button_idx; } } // No matches! return 0; } void main() { int stored_ids, id_matched, temp_out, i, eeprom_addr; // Setup IO port directions and initialize ports set_tris_a(MLAN_IN); set_tris_b(0b00000000); id_out = 0x00; // Lets give some indication that we are alive LEDR = 0; LEDG = 1; delay_ms(1000); LEDG = 0; LEDR = 1; delay_ms(1000); LEDR = 0; LEDG = 0; delay_ms(1000); // Check config bitm - LOW means config if (!config) { // Configuration mode eeprom_addr = 0x00; stored_ids = 0; // We can store 7 buttons for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) { LEDG = 0; delay_cycles(1); LEDR = 1; // Red // Lets wait for a button LAN_WAIT1: while(!check_lan()) { restart_wdt(); } // Lets read the iButton - if we get a CRC error, lets try again (and again :) ) while(!read_ibutton()) { // We didn't get a good read, lets keep trying restart_wdt(); delay_ms(1); // Give the bus a chance to stabilize if (!check_lan()) { // Bail - we can't see a device! goto LAN_WAIT1; } } // Lets make sure this ID hasn't already been stored in EEPROM if (check_id(stored_ids) != 0) { i--; // Lets take a step back for another try flash_red(20); continue; } // We have a valid ID in id_in. Lets store it - all six bytes for(temp_out = 0; temp_out < 6; temp_out++) { write_eeprom(eeprom_addr, id_in[temp_out]); restart_wdt(); eeprom_addr++; } // Update number of IDs - this ensures that we don't check random // data bytes if they use < 7 buttons stored_ids++; write_eeprom(STORED_IDS_ADDR, stored_ids); // Green LED for 5 seconds LEDR = 0; delay_cycles(1); LEDG = 1; delay_ms(5000); } // Okay, we've maxed out or storage - let user know // Blink Green until reset LEDR = 0; delay_cycles(1); LEDG = 1; while(TRUE) { delay_ms(250); LEDG = !LEDG; } } else { // Normal operation stored_ids = read_eeprom(STORED_IDS_ADDR); while(TRUE) { LEDG = 0; delay_cycles(1); LEDR = 0; // Off // Check for presence pulse and read ID if button is online LAN_WAIT2: while(!check_lan()) { restart_wdt(); } // Something is on the micro LAN - lets read the ID while(!read_ibutton()) { // We didn't get a good read, lets keep trying restart_wdt(); delay_ms(1); // Give the bus a chance to stabilize if (!check_lan()) { // Bail - we can't see a device! goto LAN_WAIT2;; } } // Valid ID was received - lets check it id_matched = check_id(stored_ids); if (id_matched == 0) { // ID does not match LEDG = 0; delay_cycles(1); LEDR = 1; // RED delay_ms(10000); } else { // Valid ID match - trigger outputs temp_out = 1; for(i = 0; i < id_matched; i++) { temp_out <<= 1; } temp_out |= 0x01; // Output the bits id_out = temp_out; LEDR = 0; delay_cycles(1); LEDG = 1; // Green // Low on Pulse means 1 sec, high means 10 secs if (pulse) { delay_ms(10000); } else { delay_ms(1000); } id_out = 0x00; } } // while(TRUE) } // if (config) } // End MAIN -- http://www.freemail.gr - dyqe\m upgqes_a gkejtqomijo} tawudqole_ou. -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? 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