Shouldn't happen. An often overlooked design error is to put large capacitors on the output of a 78xx regulator. Should the input drop below the output (large filter on output, filter and heavy load on input senario), the regulator will blow. A circuit as you described with a chain of two or more regulators, with each supplying a load, will develop this problem. Some datasheets suggest a 1N4001 across each reguloator in/out with the cathode to the input. This insures the input will never drop more than .7 volts below the output as the circuit discharges. Rick Hi! I have very simple power supply, consisting from transformer 220/12V, bridge, 2200micro cap, 7812 regulator, another 2200micro cap to get 12V. From 12V I have 7805 regulator and yet another 2200 micro cap. The problem is, that 5V rises too slow to reliably start my 16f877. Is there any simple way ( except smaller caps) to make 5V rise faster? Regards, Samo -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.