Lately, I've seen an "uprise" of Basic Stamp users. This really has me intrigued. My question is: If I've started off the "hard way" using ASM and custom peripherals/circuits/etc., is it really worth looking into the Basic Stamp at all? Sure, it's worth looking at. IMO, the stamp is more interesting from the perspective of the language being well adapted to a certain subset of embedded applications than for having brilliant hardware, but I think the stamp development environment is likely to be amazingly fast, even compare to flash "bare" microcontrollers (and when the stamp came out, well before flash controllers were available, it was a real innovation!) I believe that there's a "fractional stamp" implementation in an 16F84 out there as freeware someplace; uses the internal eeprom instead of external code, with the accompanying limitations on program size. BillW -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.