Russell McMahon wrote: > > > >Please describe the circuit ! I'm guessing it can be done with 2 caps, and 2 resistors so under the right conditions the resistance and capacitance of the breadboard would be enough to make it work... Like this; +v -----*----------------------------------- | | hi-gain NPN R1 10k ? | *-----R2--------*-----, | 20 ohms(!) | | | C | *-------------B | | E C2 30pF(!) C1 60pF? | | | | | | | | gnd ----*---------------*-----*-------------- I had some things *like* this oscillating when I was testing capacitor dump systems during design of my 2-tran Black regulator. They rely on one cap being dumped into another via *some* resistance. In the case above the (!) parts are the capacitance of the breadboard strips and the significant resistance of the 2 breadboard spring contacts between C1 leg and collector leg of Q1. Which explains why the spice model didn't oscillate. :o) -Roman -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads