Chris said: >I have been using PICs since last June programming in assembler, I am now looking a using the C language. What are the advantages/disadvantages of C over the assembly language. Am I right in thinking that there are built in 'modules' for division, multiplication etc. Are there any good online tutorials on programming in C for complete beginers? 1. Yes there are a lot of tutorials. Google on C Tutorial and throw a dart at the screen. I used to have one but I have lost the link. 2. I learned C by getting a compiler/tutorial that ran on the PC, for quick feedback. POWER C by Mix Software is a good one, $19.95 US, has a nice, step by step tutorial, and a decent C manual, plus it is a compiler. 3. Get the real book The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. This is the authoritative reference. 4. Advantages of C: High level of abstraction, high productivity, portability, maintainability Takes up less space than most other high level languages (I.E. PicBasic etc.) and you can write C code for virtually any brand of microcontroller. 5. Disadvantages of C: takes up more space than assembler. Depending on the compiler, this will or will not be much of a problem. Depending on your skill as an assembly language programmer, this may or may not be true! Depending on the C language you use, it may or may not be portable. 6. C includes math routines of all kinds, multiply/divide/cosine/tangent/sqrt etc. string routines, and more depending on the compiler. I have done everything in C these last 5 years, and don't see a need to go back to assembler. Of course, I sometimes embed assembler inside C, when assembler is more efficient. -- Lawrence Lile -- hint: To leave the PICList