Chris, If you know assembly good enough to get your project done Then you can build library to do math or any thing less you Want. Assembly users always know more about processor Then C users because of C doesn't require to know about Flags, interrupt because of C is powerful enough to handle All that stuff and user thinks about the code only which Is good thing unless used to be assembly user then moved To C. to get major projects done I think C is better choice. C takes more space because the compiler maker when they Make their C code they have to know assembly first before They can write good C command that is why C compilers always Make lots of garbage on top of the code. I think hi-tech is The one that has good development team to get better compiler To generate good optimized code. I think all of us should know ASM and C. C is very useful language worth learning it. Andre -----Original Message----- Hi there I have been using PICs since last June programming in assembler, I am now looking a using the C language. What are the advantages/disadvantages of C over the assembly language. Am I right in thinking that there are built in 'modules' for division, multiplication etc. Are there any good online tutorials on programming in C for complete beginers? Cheers chris -- hint: To leave the PICList -- hint: To leave the PICList