Hello all, I dug my PIC stuff out yesterday and decided to give a shot at using a=20 628. My previous experience has really only been with the 84. I had a=20 simple program that "listened" on a serial line and displayed the data=20 on a hitachi type LCD. It only took two attempts to get the program=20 running on the 628. Didn't know about that _LVP_OFF. The program=20 seems to work fine, hope I didn't miss anything. ;-) Looking at the datasheet, the 628 is enormously more capable than the=20 84. I spent a little time yesterday playing with the built in=20 comparators and finally achieved some success with them, though I'm not=20 sure why one would use some of the possible configurations. IMO, it=20 might be more convenient if you could get the C1OUT or C2OUT to an=20 output pin *and* use the internal Vref, but life is nothing but=20 compromise. ;-) I'm getting ready to implement the=20 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads