Compiling this for the 16F628 seems to work OK. The timing loop you have executes in 1 second @ 20MHz, and the whole thing loops around over and over Main movlw b'00000001' << what is this for ? W gets over- << written by the 0X2c in "delay" call Delay call Delay call Delay call Delay movlw b'00000000' << ditto call Delay goto Main End I thought it may be something to do with Cblock, but the RAM in an 18Fxx2 starts at 0 doesn't it ? As you've TRISed PortA are you trying to measure something happening on a pin ? If this is being tried out in a chip you'd need the other ports set, a CONFIG, and a check to see that the PIC is actually running -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body