> Homeschools have "teachers" too, don't they? Parent or legal guardian. It works like this: Parent orders textbooks, throws them at kid, administers and presides over schooling of kid. Result: one-on-one attention, accelerated learning, avoidance of public school jerks and all that wonderful "socialization" Ahh. A fair number of the "homeschools" around here seem to be neighborhood groups with several kids and several teachers, for "four on four" interaction, sort of. Still, a message from a parent from a work address with "I'm homeschooling my kid and want free parts" may yield better results than "I'm a kid who wants free parts." Are you sure there aren't other geeks around? I'd be surprised if you couldn't find at least some "radio geeks" (hams) at a military base of any size. Ham/digital geek interaction isn't always great, but sometimes it can be quite synergistic... BillW -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.