Hi all, This is only just PIC related, but I know there are heaps of EAGLE users here, so I hope somebody might know the answer to this question. When sending off prototype boards, it would be desirable to bundle a few different boards into the one board or Gerber files. The board house can then just process as one board. However, if you design say, 4 boards in EAGLE, then go try to Copy - Oh, I mean "Cut" and "Paste" those 4 boards into one large board file, then all the component names will automatically increment. For example, if you have a board with 10 resistors called R1 through R10 and you paste another complete board beside it, the resistors in the new board will automatically be renamed R11 onwards. Is there any way to produce Gerber files of all boards together with component numberings kept original? I realise I could cut and paste Gerber files together, but I am yet to find an affordable Gerber file editor. If anybody knows of one that can do what I am trying to do, I would love to hear about it. Best Regards, Sean -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics