On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Kyrre Aalerud wrote: *>Yes they do run while I sleep, and I sleep in the same room. *>I wish for grounding in this room, but it's expensive to alter existing *>installments. FYI a perfectly grounded computer once tried to kill me by asphyxiation. A filter cap in the ripple pi filter of the psu went and the fans blew all the smoke in my face. I was in a small room with lots of equipment and I was about halfway through my life memories by the time I fell through the door and 3/4 through them by the time I stopped coughing. Normal eyesight returned later (I had to grope my way out blindly between working energised equipment with all the covers off etc). The fans filled the room so fast you could not see the smoke except when looking from the outside (it came in a cloud out of the door and later window). And I was not sleeping when it happened. The failed cap was a 'blue' X2 cap about 1" x 0.3" x 0.75". Peter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu