Patrick, It may be working, but your indicator may not show it. Replace the 470K resistor with a 470 Ohm resistor. Then you may be able to see the LED light. Vern Jones, Sound Research Patrick Plattes wrote: > > hello :-) > > the last days i have started to work with the pic microcontrolers. i'm > using the epic programmer with a linux enviroment. but i have a > difficult problem (for me). > > i have created a little demoboard: > > -----------------------------| > | | > + ------ |---|470K|--- | ------| > 14| |1 |->-| > ----------- | > | | | > | | | > ----------- | > 5| | > | | > - ------------------- > > and i'm using this pogramm (or any other pogramm) it dosn't work: > > ;************************************************************ > ; Processor: PIC16F628 at 4 MHz using internal RC oscillator > ; Function: Flash a LED connected to RA2 > ; Hardware: Testboard K4 > ; Filename: 628LED.asm > ; Author: Lars Petersen, > ; Website: > ; Credit: Tony Nixon's LED flasher > ;************************************************************ > > LIST P=16F627, R=DEC ; Use the PIC16F628 and decimal system > > #include "" ; Include header file > > __config _INTRC_OSC_CLKOUT & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON > > CBLOCK 0x20 ; Declare variable addresses starting at 0x20 > Loop1,Loop2 > ENDC > ; > ; ----------- > ; INITIALIZE > ; ----------- > ; > ORG 0x000 ; Program starts at 0x000 > > CLRF PORTA ; Initialize port A > CLRF PORTB ; Initialize port B > > BSF STATUS,RP0 ; RAM bank 1 > > CLRF TRISA ; All pins port A output > CLRF TRISB ; All pins port B output > > BCF STATUS,RP0 ; RAM bank 0 > ; > ; ------------------------ > ; FUNCTION OF PORT A PINS > ; ------------------------ > ; > MOVLW 7 > MOVWF CMCON ; Comparators off, all pins digital I/O > ; > ; ---------- > ; MAIN LOOP > ; ---------- > ; > Main BSF PORTA,2 ; Turn on LED connected to RA2 > CALL delay > BCF PORTA,2 ; Turn off LED connected to RA2 > CALL delay > GOTO Main > ; > ; --------------- > ; DELAY 250 MSEC > ; --------------- > ; > delay MOVLW 250 > MOVWF Loop1 > Outer MOVLW 200 > MOVWF Loop2 > Inner NOP > NOP > DECFSZ Loop2,F > GOTO Inner ; Inner loop = 5 usec. > DECFSZ Loop1,F > GOTO Outer > RETURN > > END > > to compile the pogramm i do a: > gpasm -a inhx16 file.asm > > than i write the pic: > prog84 -T 16628 -y file.hex > > (the hex file with -x work with gpsim) > > then i verify the pic and it looks correct, but it dont work in the demo board. > > the file i get with "dump84 -x -a -T 16628 > dumpfile.hex" works also with the gpsim. > > and now: where is the problem, why does it not work with demo board?? > > thanks > patrick > > ps. i'm sorry about my terrible english, i'm from germany > > -- > hint: The list server can filter out subtopics > (like ads or off topics) for you. See -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See