I have a 18F252, programmed for HS, that works fine with a 20mhz xtal, bu= t I have tried two different 40mhz xtals without success. One won=92t oscilla= tor (I tried series resistors from 1-330k and caps from 10pF-47pf) and the ot= her oscillates at 13.3mhz (1/3 of 40) (also tried all the various res and cap values). What makes an oscillator work at 1/3 the rated frequency? P.S. I thought for sure I had seen a similar issue discussed in the past, but I was unable find anything relevant in the archives (I found mostly stuff on driving multiple pics from one xtal). And I read the oscillator section of the beginner=92s checklist. So sorry if this is a common situation. --BobG -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics