There is content, presentation and application. Few would argue that cracking to steal copy-written content is immoral. Then there is presentation. Does the author or license holder of content the right to determine how their work is presented? Can they stop you from using a PC clone to read an e-text or mp3 you buy, if Apple pays the author millions to prevent anyone but Mac owners from viewing the e-text? Finally their is application. In the brave new information age we are entering, the content owner with M$ and Intel's help will own and control not only and , but also , and you can use content you lease. M$ will come to dominate even the content you create and own, because it will be in a secret format only M$ products (you lease) will be capable of using. If they decide you owe them more money (if their Homeland Security government informants pay for your personal files, and find you can pay more money, for instance - as some private investigators with connections in government routinely get your medical, police and IRS records) they may raise your fee at will. Thus we are owned by Master Micro$oft. See What will come next (when neural implants are made available) is what your allowed to think about information content, and what conclusions you are permitted to draw. Scott -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.