> Today it's an important day. We celebrate a discover which has changed > the communications history. > Place: Boston > Clue1: for 2 loop ti-ti-ti-ta end loop ta-ti-ti-ti-ta > Clue2: ding dong my Bell > > Any piclisters from Boston which may tell: > 1. the inventors first name ( a scottish name ) > 2. the invention name and the year when was invented > may earn from me 100,000 lei I'm not in Boston, but ... 1. tititi tita tata titita ti titatiti (and it's also a Hebrew name :-) ) 2. ta ti titatiti ti tatati titati tita titatati titititi & titatatata tatatatiti titititata tatatatiti RM -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu