Anyone tryed LDP - Linux Documentation Project? Hope this helps Francisco Dal Wheeler wrote: >Actually, depending on what applications you want to run; you may not *need* >to even run X (which is ultimately the resource hog). > >Links -- (similar to the text based Lynx) can be compiled with the SVGA lib >for a very small graphics based browser... > > >Play with larger distro's/tools on larger PC's first; otherwise the >frustration will likely make you quit bothering with linux altogether. >There were/are several projects to shoehorn linux installs into smaller >systems --IE <128MB CF disks on netpliance boxes (Jailbait distro fit into >the sandisk 16MB flash!). Quite a bit of stuff could be crammed >(relatively) ; but you end up with a system that only a true hacker would be >happy with or could appreciate. Check out freesco/floppy based distros as >well as a number of MP3 linux player projects for cramming ideas. > >----- Original Message ----- > > >>>>Can you make a suggestion of a Linux distribution available for >>>>download that could be easily installed and doesn't uses more than >>>>200MB (of HD when installed) but still can run OpenOffice, Mozilla >>>> >>>> > >-- > hint: The list server can filter out subtopics >(like ads or off topics) for you. See > > > > -- hint: To leave the PICList