Now in a former life I was in the wine trade. You will find that the UK is actually one of the main centres for wine trading. Try going to Bordeaux and ask for a bottle of Burgundy or a wine from the Rhone - if they manage to conjure one up it will have been imported (on paper) via the UK. A number of Napa Valley wineries are now owned or part owned by people like Moet and some of the other houses. Zinfandel although the main stay (Rupestrus Rix stock unlike Vitus Vinifera European stock) can be pretty awful. There are though some very nice Zinfandels especially the Roses'. Now Russell, I can remember when the only wine imported from the Antipodes was Kanga Rouge/Wallaby White from Australia and Cooks NZ White from the Tekuwhata Wine Company closely followed by Montana. (I realise I may have misspelt Tekuwhata). Colin -- cdb, on 03/01/2003 I have always been a few Dendrites short of an Axon and believe me it shows. Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until they speak! -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See