Hello all, I have been watching the Piclist messages for about a week now, and have just now summoned the courage to ask my first question. I've tried to do my 'homework' as admonished in the piclist instructions. I would very much appreciate hearing about any errors in my etiquette. I am new to PICs. I'm an old hand at electronics. I have done a little assembler coding back in the 6502 days. I am comfortable with Basic. C, for some reason, continues to mystify me. I picked up a few boards from Olimex and downloaded the crippled Picbasic Plus-Lite compiler from Thornhill. I did a little experimenting (within the 30 lines of code allowed) with a 16F84 and some ideas I have about a microstepping bipolar controller (inspired by Roman's linistepper) and am hooked! I've looked at tons of C and assembler code and a tiny bit of Basic code and have learned quite a bit, but have come to the conclusion that this old dog (really) should probably stick with Basic at least for the time being. Having said all of that, and adding that I'm an old retired guy on a fixed income, I wonder: Is there anyone out there who has purchased a Picbasic compiler in the past, but has 'graduated' to C, that would like to sell his/her old Basic compiler. The reason I ask is that I'm reluctant to spend $250 for Picbasic Pro or even $150 for Picbasic Plus only to find out that even it's not really what I need to get me going. Also, I would ask, am I looking in the wrong place? Am I bothering the wrong people? Am I looking for the wrong thing!? And, finally, I would add, in case any of you have a compiler that you'd rather swap than sell, I've got some very nice 350 OZ NEMA23 Steppers that may be swappable. Thanks, all, for your time Bill Krause -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads