Subject: Re: Raelians vs the Right, on fox now, good theatre... > To: > Subject: [ot]: Raelians vs the Right, on fox now, good theatre... > > I know I'll sound like a tin-foil hat member of the lunatic fringe for > saying this, but it ought be said. > > Once upon a time..... snip > I think it is no accident Fox news puts Raelians on the air to be ridiculed > and scare the public. Their is a political agenda behind this dog-and-pony > show. > > Scott you're right it does sound crazy... I spent about a year, more or less, fascinated with the 'conspiracy' stuff (in my spare time) I couldn't get my arms around it, and it was fascinating and a little entertaining. But of course others have done actual research into this 'stuff' and I found a book 'Conspiracy' by Daniel Pipes which explains the broad categories involved, with this mental trap type of thing. And I had a good web page, but a search on the word 'conspiracsm' (might be mispelled) will bring some info.... I've seen the LSD experiment stuff too, and the history channel even had a 1 hour show about it, maybe it's true, I don't know. There is another one, about remote viewing that is very developed, and there are ex military types who swear up and down, and professional remote viewers who swear up and down by it.... but, come on, the idea is absurd, and perhaps, well almost certainly the US had many disinformation programs, and fake government programs to draw in the gullible soviets into doing and spending all sorts of things... some if not all of this stuff falls into the 'don't believe it if it's on tv' category... fwiw -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See