Hello, I am not sure who is wrong. Either me, or MPLAB 6.10. I am trying to write a simple program for 18F458, where both CCP1 and ECCP1 are used in dual channel PWM mode. I properly set-up PORTC and PORTD. I properly set-up Timer2 and CCP1CON and ECCP1CON. But, when I am trying to simulate the program in MPLAB, only RC2 (CCP1 output) seems to work. RD4 (ECCP1 output) is always "0". Is there something special with the ECCP1, what is not mentioned in datasheet ? Thx for any info PavelK P.S. Duty cycles are also OK, I calculated it several times. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu