>> Well if you look at how the indirect adressing is composed you'll find that is you have two buffer in separate banks which are aligned ( same offset within bank and same length ) and the bank selection bit's RP0 and RP1 only differs in one bit ( for example bank0 & bank1 or bank2 & bank3 ) you can switch the indf register between these registers by only using one bsf/bcf instruction. << Indirect addressing (using FSR and INDF) is not dependent on the RP0 and RP1 bits. There is a separate IRP bit to select the indirect register bank. ***************************************************************** Embed Inc, embedded system specialists in Littleton Massachusetts (978) 742-9014, http://www.embedinc.com -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body