David V. Fansler wrote: > Any one have a better idea, or has anyone done string copying in > assembler before? David: If you're copying a string that starts at SOURCE to a location called DEST, you can eliminate the need for temporary storage of the FSR by doing this: 1. Point FSR at SOURCE. 2. Read INDF and store in a temp location. 3. Check for EOS, exit if necessary. 4. FSR = FSR + (DEST-SOURCE). 5. Read TEMP locvation and write it to INDF. 6. FSR = FSR + (SOURCE-DEST). 7. Loop back to 2. -Andy === Andrew Warren -- aiw@cypress.com === Principal Design Engineer === Cypress Semiconductor Corporation === === Opinions expressed above do not === necessarily represent those of === Cypress Semiconductor Corporation -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body