I'm looking for a software serial port I can run on the 16F87x which will allow me to change baud rates on the fly (well, not necessarily on the fly, though that would be nice, but if nothing else, at startup without recompiling). The plan is to configure the baud rate (as well as parity and # of stop bits) by reading a set of dip switches on startup. I've read AN-555 (Microchip's application note on a software serial port), but it seems to depend on using the SET statement at compile-time for all of these options. Does anyone know of existing code that allows the comm parameters to be set in variables? -- ---------------------------------------------------- Matt Parker -- matt@mjp.ca Engineering Science 0T3+PEY "If I had anything witty to say, it would be here." -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body