I'm using MPLINK to generate the HEX output file and I'm only using UDATA_SHR, yet for some reason I'm getting two RETLW 0x00 instructions appearing in a .cinit section which I had to declare to remove an error with the linker. Is there any simple explanation as to why the linker is placing anything in the .cinit section. I have copied both the linker command file and small bit of code as well at the hex out put: // Linker File for P16C84 CODEPAGE NAME=cRESET START=0x00 END=0x03 PROTECTED CODEPAGE NAME=cINTERRUPT START=0x04 END=0x04 PROTECTED CODEPAGE NAME=cPROGRAM START=0x05 END=0x3EF PROTECTED CODEPAGE NAME=cRUBISH START=0x3F0 END=0x3FF PROTECTED DATABANK NAME=SFR0 START=0x00 END=0x0B PROTECTED DATABANK NAME=SFR1 START=0x80 END=0x8B PROTECTED SHAREBANK NAME=rVARIABLES START=0x0C END=0x2F PROTECTED SECTION NAME=RESET ROM=cRESET SECTION NAME=INTERRUPT ROM=cINTERRUPT SECTION NAME=PROGRAM ROM=cPROGRAM SECTION NAME=.cinit ROM=cRUBISH SECTION NAME=VARIABLES RAM=rVARIABLES :02 0000 00 0528 D1 :02 0008 00 0828 C6 :06 000A 00 0F30 8C00 0728 F6 :02 0010 00 0900 E5 :04 07E0 00 0034 0034 AD <- two RETLW 0x00 instructions :00 0000 01 FF list p=16c84 #include VARIABLES UDATA_SHR TEMP_W RES 1 RESET CODE GOTO START INTERRUPT CODE GOTO ISR PROGRAM CODE START: MOVLW 0x0F MOVWF TEMP_W LOOP: GOTO LOOP ISR: RETFIE END Gavin, R&D Software Engineer Auckland, New Zealand -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics