Jinx wrote: > > > Sure, take away the toy guns, just be aware > > I have to disagree in the case of something like Forward > Command Post. Don't you think that game has crossed > a line ? Toy soldiers, guns, swords etc, not really a problem > for me. A reaistic scenario like that as entertainment for > 5-year-olds is something else. And in gun-crazy America ? > Hardly any surprise there's a back-lash Kids are kids and soldiers are soldiers. Even without plastic toy props kids are going to play war games etc. The games kids make in their heads (which IS a healthy part of mental development) are just as violent as anything you will see on TV. I remember being about 10 years old and playing "sniper" in the treehouse, trying to dig man traps and getting too tired before we got it 18 inches deep, etc etc. Didn't matter that we only had toy guns carved from wood, whether the toys are there or not the children NEED to practice and develop these skills and will do so unless forced to deny their natural development. Ever seen kittens or puppies biting and wrestling each other? Would it be better to isolate them and force them to abandon such violent practices? Probably the greatest problem I see today for children is total apathy and lack of drive. How much better to see them building treehouses, sourcing materials, hitting their thumbs with hammers and even play hunting each other in teams, than to sit brainless in a sterile safe room with the playstation... -Roman -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body