> Secondly, if the HIGH address write to pclath works, then the > assembler must have a list somewhere, of all subroutines and > their full 13bit address, unless it goes tearing off searching through > 4 pages of junk looking for it every time! . So, where is it? Doesn't > seem to be in *.lst, although the labels are there, and an 8bit address, > which is what? The address following the CALL/GOTO is relative by default to the page the instruction is in eg, the LST file shows 0014 0000 00046 MAJORT NOP 0015 0FA0 00047 INCFSZ MPS_LO,F 0016 2814 00048 GOTO MAJORT 0017 0000 00049 NOP the GOTO will jump to 0014 of this page. Change to page 3 in PCLATH and it will jump to 0014 in page 3. The whole 13-bit address is popped off the stack if it had been a CALL, which includes the PCLATH bits of the original CALL page -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.