Good morning (day, night, ...) respected PICList passengers as well as not-less respected PICList crew and even more not-less respected PICList holder. :-) I have a question: How many man-hours would it take to "home-brew" some simple PCB layout program under MS Office or more precisely under MS Visio? MS Visio can draw schematics, I tried. I hope, there are parts libraries somewhere on the Net for Visio. It could draw a board, I think, provided there were appropriate "shapes" (MS Office term). Anyway, there are tools for creating these shapes. These shapes could easily be organized into collections (MS VB(A) term) accordingly to usual PCB layout layers. So you could show / hide needed layers. Autorouter also is not a big problem (I hope). My linear optimizer has been working for years. The math idea should work with the autorouter too. After been finished, the layout could be printed from MS Office directly to PCB. By that time, there is a chance, The Black Alchemist (In a good sense. :o) will reveal The Big Secret Of The Ink, we are waiting anxiously. Dreaming up further (or farther - don't know: my poor English is my pain), one could expect all the libraries be placed on the PICList site as well as VBA code, so one could start with downloading shortest MS Office Visio file with some macros that would do the rest: download only those components that are needed for this particular PCB layout application. Mike. -- hint: To leave the PICList