> To get a period of 250 out of TMR2 you set the PR2 register to 249! Well, thanks, I'll never forget it now. After doing some extensive measurements I managed to trim osc freq to 3.99999MHz. But measuring TMR2 interrupt rate gave me a result of 1000.074Hz!? How do you explain that? I trust my measuring devices were right. How can it be faster than 1000Hz? What am I missing now? Tauno [OT]: I'm still in the middle of explaining to our Exchange admin why I don't want quoted-printable encoding applied to my outgoing messages and there isn't anything I can do myself except send my messages under another environment. Sorry 'bout that... -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu