Jeff, I have carefully tested the El Cheapo programmer power requirements, and discuss it on my website at: Take a look down toward the bottom of the page. My suggestion is the 16VDC/500mA unit, which is also the one MicroEngineering Labs suggests for their EPIC programmer. You might also be interested in looking at my "El Cheapo Grande," which uses two ZIF sockets (18 and 40 pin) to cover 8, 18, 28, and 40 pin programming chores. Randy Jones > Would anyone have any input as to which power supply to get for an "El > Cheapo" Pic Programmer? The programmer is the one from "Programming an > Customizing PICmicro Mocrocontrollers", by Myke Predko (2nd ed.). I'm using > the board from the book, but I've changed a couple of the components per his > web site ( > -- hint: To leave the PICList