How well does your partner put up with you using the house as a workshop, bits of electronic components getting trodden round the building, asking her/him to RRF in the middle of the night because they are taking up too much space in bed ;-) All those late nights spend debugging code instead of sitting down with your hot chocolate and watching a good film, coming to bed muttering about interrupts, stack overflows and "whose stupid idea was it to use page banking". My ex-wife was terrible, she had no patience with my tinkering. Stuff would get mysteriously tidied away never to be seen again. Chips would look like they'd been trodden on, tools would be used to open cans etc. Current girlfriend is wonderful. She pays for my hobbies (I stay at home and look after a child with ADHD), rarely complains, totally ignores me when I start talking about electronic stuff and its only when she steps on something sharp that I really get it in the neck. How do your partners cope ? ;-) Dom -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.