> If you think Auckland roads are junk, you should try English roads :)) > > There have been signs put up on some by County Councils > declaiming any responsibility for damage, as they are just so > short of funds to repair them, and central government ties their > hands so tight when it comes to levying local rates that they > cannot hardly achieve anything It's not only the state of the road though. Apart from drains and manhole covers all the crap ends up at the side. Gravel, dust, glass, paper cups, bits of metal, hubcaps, bottles......... I'm amazed I've not had a puncture yet. Some roads are diabolical when you examine them in detail as you do on a bike. Pavements aren't much better. Gt North Rd, Symonds St, Dominion Rd, all had many major works over the years, very bumpy Came across a new unexpected hazard on the road the other morning about 2am. Coming back from a late-night trip to Woolworths and two houses passed me on truck-and-trailer units. Wrong side of the road, through red lights. What was funny though was the second one clipped all the road signs on traffic islands. ptang, ptang,ptang, ptang, must have got every single one of them. They were all bent in half but soemone's been around and had a go at straightening them -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu