Royce Simmons: >> Does anyone have a code fragment showing how to write a byte to the >> EEPROM >> Also is the "reqiured sequence" needed for each write? Martin Buehler: > but i had troubles when writing or reading several addresses at a time. > when adding a delay of 40ms between two accesses to the eeprom, it > worked. Yes, the required sequence is needed for each write. Re Martin's troubles: After an eeprom write, there is a wait time until the eeprom can be written to or read from again (the eeprom write cycle time). There is no such wait after a read - you can read again immediately. I've only used the F87x's - the write cycle time is 8 ms max. The pic will also generate an interrupt when the write is complete if you prefer that route. Don't know about the F628. If the OP is looking for a 'C' code fragment, here's what I use (for the F87x and in CCS C): Note: int's are 8 bits in CCS C // init INTERNAL_EEPROM_AVAILABLE = 1 and only call the read or write // functions when it is set // or, if you don't want to use interrupts, just wait 8ms after every // write (no waiting is required after a read - but a read has to wait for // a write to be done) #byte EEDATA = 0xfa8 #byte EEADR = 0xfa9 #byte EECON1 = 0xfa6 #byte EECON2 = 0xfa7 #define EEPGD 7 #define WREN 2 #define WR 1 #define RD 0 #byte INTCON = 0xff2 #define GIE 7 unsigned int INTERNAL_EEPROM_AVAILABLE; // global flag void WRITE_INTERNAL_EEPROM(unsigned int Address, unsigned int Data) { // clear flag - will be set in isr when write cycle complete INTERNAL_EEPROM_AVAILABLE = 0; EEADR = Address; EEDATA = Data; bit_clear(EECON1, EEPGD); // point to data bit_set(EECON1, WREN); // enable writes bit_clear(INTCON, GIE); // disable interrupts EECON2 = 0x55; // required sequence for writing EECON2 = 0xAA; // start write cycle (WREN has to be set first, and in a separate // instruction) bit_set(EECON1, WR); bit_clear(EECON1, WREN); // disable writes until next call bit_set(INTCON, GIE); // interrupts back on - an interrupt will be // generated when write cycle is complete } unsigned int READ_INTERNAL_EEPROM(unsigned int Address) { EEADR = Address; bit_clear(EECON1, EEPGD); // point to data bit_set(EECON1, RD); // initiate read - data is available in return EEDATA; // EEDATA buffer next instruction } #int_eeprom void INTERNAL_EEPROM_WRITE_COMPLETE(void) { INTERNAL_EEPROM_AVAILABLE = 1; } -- hint: To leave the PICList