The best links I know of on the web are: I made an LTC reader using a 628. The approach I used was to rotate the input bits into ten registers until the 16 last bits agreed with the SMPTE identification bits and then decode the other registers to HH:MM:SS:FF. Since both up and down transitions are significant I used the interrupt on state to read the signal. I don't know if this is the best way but it worked for me. I was toying with the idea of making a LTC generator but was put off by the fact that this would require a precision of at least 1 frame (1/30 second) in 8 hours (1 part in 864000) and I think this is beyond the precision of even temperature controlled oscillators. If I'm wrong about this I'd be grateful if you could let me know. Bruce Douglas Mark Templeman wrote: > Hi > > Does anybody out there in PIC Land have any information about reading LTC Timecode using a PIC. -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See