> I have sent emails to friends an they say no virus is detected. You need to see the mail's Properties to find the return path. The "From" name is not who actually sent it. The return path is the infected computer I don't understand what you mean by "name list". Do you want to get off it just because of the virus ? If you're using OE then either get the patches or upgrade to OE6. If you get more mail that's suspicious it won't infect you via the preview pane, so you could stay on that list if you wanted to I get 1/2 dozen Klez mails a week from people I don't know - people who's names have been plucked from the address books of people I do know. Anything with an attachment is firstly sent to an Attachments folder. If it looks or is cooty it gets deleted. Deleted Items.dbx can be viewed with Wordpad to look at the makeup of the individual mails. You can find out the return path (as you can using Properties in OE) plus any HTML (usually porn sites). Search for "Content" to get info about the attachment. Often it's disguised as a .wav or .scr. Once you've satisfied your curiosity, clean out Deleted Items, count your blessings, bump the "Days Since Last Infection" counter, and get on with the day ;-) And I keep a Hotmail account for letting Mr/Mrs Return Path know, in no uncertain terms, what they're computer has just done, as well as point them to numerous free anti-virus programs (eg www.grisoft.com plug plug) > I went to the symantec ( norton utilities) web site and downloaded the > klez detector they had. It showed my system clean If you continue to keep it clean then I think you can sleep well. I wouldn't say I'm not concerned about viruses, but when you've done everything practical to your own system, you don't worry about what's going to be in the morning's post, which is a pretty good start to the day. As for other people ? Viruses/antiviruses have been around for a few years now, they're grownups, they can figure it out (perhaps learning the hard way what a virus can do to hardware/relationships). Every few weeks I got a mail from the same person at inspire.net.nz It all ended in tears basically because she didn't want to be helped so I dobbed her in to her ISP. No more viruses, but no more friend. I guess I took the moral high ground, because although I was immune to her Klez, I was getting bombarded with Klezzy mail from her other victims who weren't. I kind of went to bat on their account, and the whole thing was so avoidable if she'd taken steps after the very first infection like I suggested (sniff) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads