Kind of timely, I just recieved the Nov. 11, 2002 (or 11-11-02 for those on the date usage thread) edition of Electronic Design magazine. It has the LPKF circuitboard milling machine on the front cover. The website hast the article in pdf if anyone is interested. At $60K US (w/ 2 day operating instruction! yipee); it might be a while before one finds its way into my basement. I'm hoping Roman comes up with some kind of "Flakey scheme" that works. :') I've got a few home projects that will never get sent off to a board house unless they start giving away boards. Paying projects are never the issue. BTW I did play with the thermal printer over the weekend and got the transport to work (mostly), but the thermal bonding issues with the copper surface were a problem... I'll see if I can't warm the surface up a bit before printing. Also the ribbon breaks pretty easily with the discontinuity of the cardboard carrier and the clad stock. It might not work out at all. Here's hoping the ink jet route pans out. -Dal -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads