On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 17:38:54 -0500, Olin Lathrop wrote: ...snip...= =20 >=A0Doesn't sending your boards to Advanced Circuits or PCB Express s= ound=20 >=A0pretty good by now? =A0It's been entertaining watching the each f= laky >=A0idea trump the next on this thread, but it's getting a bit redicu= lous >=A0now. Hahaha... glad you finally said it, Olin! I've been chuckling and biting my tongue for days now! I am always amazed how so many bright people on the PIC list can take= a very simple problem and turn it into a Rube Goldberg-like solution. I certainly understand the hobbyist and "starving student" perspective, where time is abundant and money is not -- heck, I've been there too. Innovative and creative thinking is a good thing, but common sense st= ill goes a long way. Matt Pobursky Maximum Performance Systems -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu