Dale, > I've been wondering since 1981... just exactly WHAT THE HELL IS > VEGEMITE? > Yeast extract? Do you eat that stuff or make beer with it? As I understand, originally, we made beer, and the "Yeast Extract" was the crap left over. We could either a) feed it to the pigs or b) spread it on our bread. I have always assumed that a) didn't work out. The pigs turned their noses up at it and we went with plan b. Although the Yanks did buy it off us. What's that line in Miss Saigon? - "I can sell s**t to the Yanks and get thanks!" > Actually I'm guessing it was Ed Debevic's in Chicago. I've not been > there > but my wife has, brought me a T-shirt in fact. No. I was in Atlanta, Georgia. Not *too* far from Downtown. I'll email my host and find out. Cheers, Sean -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu